Monday, December 12, 2011

The Lindsay Lohan posed for 'Playboy', to Marilyn Monroe, is now online

It appears that magazine Playboy has been gone a little out of hand. It was one of the most anticipated and now covers has already come to light. In fact, the star of 'Mean Girls' in attitude highly suggestive, but not teach anything, is turning the Internet. We do not know is how the actress appears on the inside pages ...

Apparently, someone has made ​​an advance copy of the magazine 'Playboy' on the cover appears Lindsay Lohan fully nude but covered by the saddle shaped the famous bunny logo.

This is the publication for the January / February to appear in Lilo imitating the very ambitious blonde, Marilyn Monroe . In theory, this cover would not have to see the light until 15 December and will be released later this month.

A representative for the actress said to 'People' which is a posed "absolutely fantastic and very good taste", while the founder of Playboy has said that the photos are "very smart".


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