Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ashley Greene is becoming more like Kristen Stewart

The proof is on the cover of the Mexican magazine 'Esquire'. This is where, in addition to witness one of the most sensual perched actress 'Twilight,' we have seen like every day that passes is more like his co-star. Will Robert Pattinson something to do with it?

Pure fire. So ardent was presented to Ashley Greene on the cover of the magazine 'Esquire' in its Mexican edition. The red color on the front page to match her tiny dress are the perfect ingredients for a heart to all who check out the publication.

According to the magazine, she is "the prettiest of 'Twilight.'" However, she would be there-there with his girlfriend Kristen Stewart . Both are two of the actresses of the moment, apart from that everything they touch turns to gold, radiate extreme beauty.

But looking good this cover, we realized that Ashley could impersonate Kristen. Every day, more like! Melenaza brown complexion blanquita and figurines. Three actresses meet both requirements perfectly.

And now to the features of their faces seem almost identical. In fact, Greene's character Alice plays in the series has been responsible for launch to fame, but we know that she would rather be reincarnated as Bella Swan.

Ashley auditioned vampire with the idea of ​​making Robert Pattinson novieta in ficcón, but Kristen Stewart snatched the paper at the last minute. Now that they seem reasonable start to make sense.


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