Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Selena Gomez rest for Christmas

The young artist wants to take a break during this Christmas after a year of intense work, but do not plan to do anything in particular that many believe will one day with her boyfriend, Justin Bieber.

"I had a week off for Thanksgiving and then I will have a week and a half or two for Christmas. And there will not do anything, but I will relax," he said.

Gomez is thrilled with the arrival of the new year but admits that nothing in particular planned for next year.

"This year I did not expect any of the things that have happened. And I'm looking forward to the end of this year and the beginning of another, without planning anything," he told MTV News.

The singer recently revealed that 19 years liked to cook in his spare time.

"I like to cook, cookies and cakes and stuff. I'm not very good but it's fun, spend time and experience," he added.


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